KDA-500, KDA-1000 IP RESET
Regarding the IP reset: We found that the IP reset, which is implemented via the control port at the back does not work for some older firmware versions.
- Reason: 10V supply is not present on power up. Initially this has been working correctly until a later revision of the code which changes the start up operation.
Problem use cases:
- User has set static IP that is invalid and the user cannot access the amplifier on the network.
- User has changed the password and cannot remember what the password is. The user has no access to the configuration settings.
Original procedure to reset the IP settings
- Power off the unit
- Short pin 1,2 on control port
- Power up the amplifier
- Wait for 10sec and remove the short on pin 1,2.
Work around (for step #2):
(2.) Apply 9 to 10V DC on pin 2 of the control port from external source.
Convenient options: another KDA amplifier, 9V battery or a wall adapter.
The connection must be implemented as follows:
Case 1: another KDA amplifier is available to provide 10V (amp #1):
- Power up amplifier #1. Make sure 10V is present on pin 1 relative to pin 6 (amplifier in auto mode, or ON – blue LED). 10V is not present in 12V trigger mode in OFF state.
- Power up amplifier #2.
- Unplug the control port after about 10sec.
- Amp #2 will have its IP settings reset (DHCP mode and default admin password).
Case 2: external 9..10V DC power source:
- Short pin 2 to + of the power source
- Short pin 6 to – of the power source
- Power up the amplifier
- Unplug the control port after 10sec.
- Amp #2 should have its IP settings reset and work in DHCP mode.
If you have questions or issues performing these steps, please reach out to Klipsch Product Support for direct assistance - How To Contact Us
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