How to Format Your USB Drive to FAT32 - Windows
How do I format my USB drive to FAT32?
You will need to format the thumb drive correctly before the soundbar can read from it. Below are the steps for those who are using Windows.
IMPORTANT: Use a thumb drive that doesn’t store any important information. This process will wipe the contents of the drive.
Formatting Instructions – Windows
Insert the thumb drive into a USB port on your PC
When the drive appears on the left, right-click the drive and select Format…
Under Filesystem, make sure FAT32 is selected
Under Format options, make sure Quick Format is checked
Click Start
When prompted, confirm you’re aware this will wipe all information from the drive.
The drive will be formatted
After you receive the prompt “Format Complete.” Click OK and then close Format dialog box.
You are now ready to copy files to the thumb drive.
Copying the Files to a Thumb Drive
Make sure your thumb drive has no other files on it.
Download the ZIP folder containing the update.
- Check the respective firmware update article for the correct zip folder
On Windows, right-click the ZIP file, and select Extract All….
Copy the recommended file to your thumb drive.
- See firmware update article for file
On Windows, right-click your USB drive and select Eject.
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