Need some help with setting up speakers
AnsweredRunning a nr656 onkyo amp. could i get some feedback on my new speaker cross overs. Will mostly be used for movies.
FRONT: Klipsch R-620f - 60hz
CENTER: Klipsch R-52c - 80hz
REAR: Klipsch R-51m - 80hz
SUB: Klipsch Spl-150 - 120hz
When i was watching a movie yesterday felt like i was missing some mids/bass. It wasnt moving some things i felt it should be moving to the woofer and wasnt producing out of front speakers. Was just missing.
accueq is on without front l/r. It seems your unable to set your speaker size in this amplifier.
Do i need to change something in equalizer?
Many thanks for your help.
I am not familiar with your amp, but I would suggest trying the following: –
Set all your crossovers to 80 and let the subwoofer handle the base below that. After that try raising all the crossovers to 90, 100 to 110. You might be surprised. Increase the gain on the subwoofer0
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