Subwoofer calibration app for Fives (or other powered speakers)
Setting up Fives with subwoofer, I would appreciate some help setting the subwoofer volume. Googling for help, all I get is 'listen to a favorite bit of music to adjust the subwoofer'. The problem with this method is that realistic recordings of Miles Davis don't have much subwoofer content, and I have no idea what dubstep should actually sound like. Sound during advertising boosts everything way up. In movies, there's that big deep THOOF sound when something is said that reveals a plot twist. The subwoofer content in audio gets jacked up (or rolled off) too many ways before it gets to me. I can adjust it for one movie, and then it sounds silly for the next. I have no reference for setting subwoofer volume.
The people in the Klipsch lab can sort this stuff out, and package it in a calibration app for the Fives. The app can output a sinewave alternately thru Fives speaker and thru the subwoofer. While the app is running, user hears BOOP boop BOOP boop, and adjusts subwoofer volume to get a uniform boop boop boop boop. This matches the subwoofer volume to the speaker volume at that sinewave frequency. The app could measure 2-3 frequencies. The guys in the lab know how far down the typical Fives response is at 85Hz 55Hz 40Hz (for example) and include correction for that in the app. App averages the measurements to calculate a reference subwoofer volume. Now when the Fives are operating normally, subwoofer goes to this reference volume when the subwoofer volume reset is pressed.
Most of this could be implemented in the phone app, but the Fives firmware would need these additional features: 1. subwoofer On with speakers Off 2. subwoofer Off with speakers On (also turn off 85Hz filter?) 3. storage for subwoofer reference volume. If the item 3 storage does not fit in Fives firmware then the setting of the subwoofer's volume knob is used. Adjusting that knob would then likely become a two-person job because it's a long reach to that knob from a normal listening position on the livingroom couch.
Hoping this gets read by someone at Klipsch that knows Fives innards.
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