AMP/RECIEVER selection for Klipsch Quintet Reference Theatre Pack - 5.1
AnsweredHi guys/gals, first post here so please be gentle!
I've just purchased the Klipsch Quintet Reference Theatre Pack - 5.1, and i've got no idea where to start when it comes to selecting the correct receiver. I've trawled through the forums and googled for hours, but i think the terminology is whats confusing me (I'm a simple lad!)
I was hoping anyone on here could help me out and explain in laymans terms, or even point me in the right direction so I don't hurt my new pride and joy! ANY information would be massively appreciated as I'm new to all of this.
Thanks in advance
I just purchased the Klipsch Reference HT system along with an Onkyo TX-NR5100 receiver. The 5100 is the cheapest of the 3 NR models, there is the 6100 and 7100. Was going to purchase a Pioneer receiver, they apparently have a minority ownership share in Onkyo, but the unit was out of stock. Onkyo has reportedly had some financial issues but they make quality equipment. Lots of YouTube videos comparing receivers. Yamaha seems to be mentioned a lot in the various reviews. Denon and Marantz are top shelf and expensive.
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